Friday, August 6, 2010

If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything.

It seems there are blogs about everything these days. Blogs about cooking, cleaning, dogs, cats, babies, weddings, flowers, frogs, traveling, being "green"... cooking clean, cooking while you clean, cleaning your cat, cooking for your dog, cooking your dog, cats and dogs, babies and cats, babies dogs and cats, weddings for your dog/cat/baby, wedding flowers, cooking for weddings, destination weddings, green weddings, traveling green, green babies, green frogs, cooking green, blogging green....

you get the idea.

For a long, long time now I've been waiting for the right reason to start blogging again and several opportunities presented themselves over the past few months.

1. I got engaged! I could jump on board the bridezilla blogging bus and tell the world about what sort of place settings we've registered for, or that we were soliciting proposals from local banks to conduct a financial assessment of our friends, family and coworkers to determine who would provide a better ROI (return on invitation).

2. I moved. I move a lot actually. I could blog about moving, packing and the best way to trick your friends into helping you -- FYI, it's inviting them over for pizza and neglecting to mention that you won't be ordering that pizza until they've carried your couch five blocks down the street and up three flights of stairs.

3. I like cooking so I could become the five-billionth blog about that.

4. I adopted the worlds happiest basset hound and I'm sure you would all love regular detailed posts about Sally's eating, pooping and sleeping schedule.

5. I'm unemployed... or as I prefer "transitioning." You could hear all about my search for the perfect job. My tenth, eleventh, and twenty-third interviews, how I rambled, talked excessively with my hands and about the time I stole the interviewers cellphone.

I know these topics would all make for interesting blogs, but none of them have come to fruition. I'm not a bridezilla, I hate moving, half of the things that I cook I end up burning, blogging about my dog seems a little desperate and blogging about unemployment IS desperate. So I've decided to stop waiting for the right thing to write about and to just blog about all of it. All of these crazy little things that make my crazy little life, what it crazy little is.

Oh I can hear the critics now "oh no! Not another life blog... that's sooooo done. I hope she doesn't tweet about it."

Well you critics can go hate on some other blog, we don't need none of that round here!

(Okay so I made the thing about critics up just so that I could use the phrases "hate on" and "round here." And incase you were wondering, the answer is no, I won't be tweeting about it... that's sooooo done.)


  1. Well my dear I tweeted you to my ICUC list so best of luck with the blogging I will try and keep up with this one better than I did with your travel one. I do enjoy your writing but I always wanted to hear the travel stories from you in person so I didn't want to read that one. Looking forward to this :)

  2. Thanks for the sisterly support Eb, but I'm afraid that this blog is also destined to be filled with traveling... it's just the nature of the beast.

